Our mountains: Gegham Range, Ajdaak Gegham Range or Gegama Mountains, are plateau-like watersheds of Lake Sevan from the east, the tributaries of Araks and Razdan rivers, Azat and Vedi from the southwest and Arpa from the south. The average height of the Gegham Mountain Range is about 2500 m. The ridge is of volcanic origin and includes a large number of extinct volcanoes. The length of the ridge – 70 km, width – 48 km. The name of the Gegham Ridge is related to the name of Gegham, the great-grandson of the legendary Armenian ancestor Haik (Hike). The highest point of the water division is the Ajdaak volcano, with a height of 3,597 m above sea level, located in the northern half of the ridge. A lake formed in the crater of the Ajdaak volcano, which feeds on melted water throughout the year. Another crater lake, located in the crater of the Tar volcano, next to Ajdaak. The second highest mountain is Spitakasar, with a height of 3,560 meters above sea level. About 250 bird species are found here, which constitutes 70% of the bird species in Armenia. The landscapes and views of the Gegham Mountains will surprise any visitor. There are also a few lakes in the ridge that struggle with melted waters
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